Illustrators & Highlights Hidden Picture

As promised, here are a couple more photos from the Guardian Angel Publishing events last weekend.

These two pictures show illustrators, Jack Foster and Eugene Ruble, in action.
Jack is demonstrating his drawing techniques for the eager audience. He’s showing them how he developed the characters in Donna Shepherd‘s POODLE AND DOODLE picture book.
Eugene is creating on-the-spot cartoon portraits of lucky kids. Eugene captured each child’s likeness in a flash. And what fun the kids had posing and then seeing themselves come to life in pencil.

All this was happening at the St. Louis Children’s Illustrated Art Museum last Friday.

While we’re on the subject of art, why not pull up this month’s Highlights Magazine Hidden Picture and challenge yourself to see how many objects you can find. Maybe you’ll want to try your own hand at a little illustration as well.

Have fun!

Beezus and Ramona

For a limited time HarperCollins is providing BEEZUS AND RAMONA by Beverly Cleary free online. The story told from older sister Beezus’ viewpoint highlights the annoying antics of young Ramona.

I love the new illustrations as well by Tracy Dockray. The lively artwork brings this classic kids’ lit to life for another generation of young readers. And I predict once you’ve read one Beezus and Ramona book–just like eating potato chips–one will not be enough.

But rest assured, there are plenty more of Ms. Cleary’s books to enjoy. One of my favorites is DEAR MR. HENSHAW–about a troubled boy reaching out through a series of letters to his favorite author.

And please do read THE MOUSE AND THE MOTORCYCLE with adventurous Ralph the mouse and his notorious motorcyle.

An Evening With Uri

Here is the link to an article I wrote on Uri Shulevitz, celebrated children’s author and illustrator.
The article, “An Evening with Uri,” is in the current online edition of MO SCRIBBLES, the Missouri Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators newsletter.
I hope you are able to enjoy at least a few of his picture books. You’ll be in for a treat.

Free Online Storytime at Barnes & Noble

Barnes & Noble this week began a storytime feature on its website. The first selection is Fancy Nancy: Bonjour, Butterfly by author, Jane O’Connor. In addition to the audio rendition of the popular title–complete with full-color pages from the book–patrons are offered a discount on Fancy Nancy titles for a limited time.

Each week a new book will be featured. What a fun way to spend some time “reading” with your children, or perhaps they will also want to try reading along on their own. For more information on this new B&N feature, you may want to read the article in Publisher’s Weekly.

Keep The Kids Reading This Summer with Graphic Novels

Too often students lose academic ground during the summer when they fail to keep their minds in motion as well as their bodies. Here is a list of fun graphic novels that will not only keep them reading, but this group of books will educate them as well. BOOKLIST ONLINE provides a wide variety of books and topics to choose from. Even the most reluctant reader should be able to find a title to enjoy among these math and science selections.

The featured books are suitable for K-8th grade students. Examples include:

HOWTOONS: THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS! by Saul Griffith and Joost Bonsen–a book chock full of young inventors creations (5-8th).

ZIG AND WIKI IN SOMETHING ATE MY HOMEWORK by Nadja Spiegelman–an alien encounters some earth animals (K-2nd).

BABYMOUSE: DRAGONSLAYER by Jennifer L. Holm and Matthew Holm–geometry and arithmetic come in the form of a dragon that Babymouse attempts to conquer(4-6).

Congratulation to Kim Chatel, RAINBOW SHEEP Author

Kim Chatel, author of RAINBOW SHEEP from Guardian Angel Publishing, has just been asked to create some of her wonderful fiber art illustrations for Colin Thompson‘s new book for the Save the Children Foundation. Mr. Thompson discovered Kim’s illustrations at the Children’s Illustrated Art Museum in St. Louis.

Kim is the book trailer creator for all my Guardian Angel books, so you can see some of her handiwork on my website: Kitty Kerplunking, Doggie Day Camp, Hamster Holidays, and Gifts from God. And for a sneak peek at Kim’s RAINBOW SHEEP, visit this month’s edition of Guardian Angel Kids, an online interactive ezine for kids.
Congratulations, Kim!

Celebrate Black History Month with Books

I found a great site featuring Coretta Scott King Award winning books at

The site presents all the winning and honor books with presentations from the authors and illustrators.
Hear illustrator Sean Qualls talk about how he illustrated BEFORE JOHN WAS A JAZZ GIANT by Carole Boston Weatherford. (2009 Illustrator Honor book)
Or listen to author Joyce Carol Thomas read from THE BLACKER THE BERRY: POEMS.(2009 Illuatrator Award winner and Author Honor book)
What a great way to connect with the creative talents who made these books happen!
What a great way to celebrate Black History Month.


I attended the grand opening yesterday of the CHILDREN’S ILLUSTRATED ART MUSEUM in St. Louis. The Museum features artwork from children’s books and magazines. All of the Guardian Angel Publishing works are represented there.

I’ve included a few pictures, so you can get a feel for the place. Much more is to come with additional art works, children’s & teacher programs, workshops and book signings.
Plus, here’s a link to an interview with me in the St. Louis Suburban Journal.