The Biggest Book in the World

The Klencke Atlas is 350 years old and it is the biggest book in the world. It is 5 feet tall and 6 feet wide. The atlas was a gift to an English king, Charles II, 350 years ago. Six people are needed to just to lift the book–that’s some heavy reading.

For the very first time in 350 years, the atlas is going to be on public display at the British Library. The display will highlight 100 maps, showing off their wonderful artwork.

If you wanted to make a book as huge as the Klencke Atlas, what would the book be about? Think about how big you would need to make the book mark for such a book. And how would you read the Klencke Atlas? You certainly couldn’t hold it on your lap.

Just some interesting book stuff for Friday…what are you reading this weekend???

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