K9 Splash

Dogs galore raced to our local public pool today for their chance to enjoy the water and each other’s company. My dog Holly (the cute white one, of course) is not too much of a water sport, but she does like to hang out with her canine friends. Although Holly was one of the smaller pooches at the pool, she mingled with the big and furry guys pretty well. After an initial period of scoping out the entire area–including the marked off kiddie playground whose barricades were much too high to keep out a short schnoodle, Holly ran circles around some of the large dogs. You can see how fast she is. I couldn’t keep her in my camera shots.
What a great way to close down the pool for the summer! Going to the dogs isn’t always such a bad thing.
If you’d like to share in another doggie adventure, you can find Bubba–from DOGGIE DAY CAMP–and me this Saturday at Fenton, Missouri for Founders Day. I will be joining other local authors at the Fenton Historical Society and Museum from 2-3:30 (#1 Church Street). I’m sure it will be a splashing fun day too.

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