Frosty Feathered Friends

This is turning out to be an awfully cold winter.

Lucky for us we can go inside where it’s warm.
The birds and other wildlife don’t have that opportunity, so it’s important they are able to find food to fuel their bodies.
If you can, leave some birdseed out for them. You’ll enjoy watching the variety of birds who come to feast on the tempting treats you’ve provided.
HIGHLIGHTS online magazine has a fun bird quiz you can play. You’ll not only be able to see possible bird visitors to your feeder. You’ll be able to hear them as well.
You can go to the library where you’ll find books on birds, like BACKYARD BIRDS OF WINTER by Carol Lerner. You’ll discover interesting information about the birds visiting your backyard. You can even keep a log of the different birds you see each day. Keep binoculars handy and a camera. Can you snap a shot of one? Or try to draw a picture.
Which ones are your favorites?

2 thoughts on “Frosty Feathered Friends

  1. In the winter in 1978-1979, it was extraordinarily cold. One day, it got to 60 below with the windchill factor in Louisville. KY

    I uses to make a hot birdseed mash for the birds. I felt so bad for them. I also fed the mice. (This was self preservation. We got tired of them scampering around the bedroom when we were trying to sleep.)
    Here in California, I hear sweet songs all winter. We have one bird that sounds to me like the Swedish Cef. This one and the clicking of the hummingbird are my favorite

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