Sports Story Collection for Both Boys and Girls

LAY-UPS AND LONG SHOTS: An Anthology of Short Stories by Joseph Bruchac, Lynea Bowdish, David Lubar, Terry Trueman, CS Perryess, Dorian Cirrone, Jamie McEwan, Max Elliot Anderson, Peggy Duffy.  Darby Creek Publishing, 2008.

ISBN: 978-1-58196-5          112 pages          $15.95
Darby Creek Publishing’s new young adult sport-themed story collection, LAY-UPS AND LONG SHOTS, is a winner. The mix of sport stories for both boys and girls makes this a rare collection of high interest topics with true literary appeal.
“SWISH: A Basketball Story” by Bruchac presents an untalented but ardent basketball player who discovers what’s most important in his life.
“Fat Girls (Can’t) Don’t Run” by Bowdish introduces an overweight 6th-grade girl who surprises her gym class and especially herself.
“Bounce Back” by Lubar shows Tyler practicing so intensely for a ping-pong tournament he sets himself up for failure.
“H-O-R-S-E” by Trueman is a true jewel. A 12-year-old boy faces his friend and nemesis in the ultimate game of hoops. This story is interspersed with vibrant free verse poetry.
“Amazing Dirt Girl Rides Again” by Perryess focuses on 7th-grader, Amanda, who in her effort to be cool for a heart-throb, jeopardizes her relationship with her best friend.
“Riding the Wave” by Cirrone is set in Florida where a 14-year-old girl–who’d rather sun than surf–changes her mind about trying out the board when the most unlikely surfer struts his stuff.
“Red Shorts, White Water” by McEwan features rafter, Ted, who tries to impress an older girl with his white water skills and instead faces major embarrassment.
“Big Foot” by Anderson takes Jeff, with his over-sized foot, into a new town where he ultimately earns respect from the normally derisive football team when he shows just how far he can kick. 
“Song of Hope” by Duffy deals with an enthusiastic girl soccer player’s problems when she tries to bridge the cultural divide between her Korean mother and herself.