Exciting News!

I just found out THE GIRLS, a middle grade anthology with my short story, “The Emily Explosion,” is to be released on August 15! Blooming Tree Press is publishing the story collection. I’m so glad the book will be available as the new school year starts. What a great addition to a school or classroom library–or for your very own.

Here’s a quick look at what “The Emily Explosion” is about:

I’m nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
Then there’s a pair of us – don’t tell
They’d banish us, you know.

Dee-Dee Tunley, a seventh grade literature loser, enjoys doodling much more than analyzing Emily Dickinson’s weird poems. However, when Dee-Dee is forced to do extra credit work on the above poem, she finds a connection with Emily and discovers they may both be somebodies rather than nobodies.

Have you ever felt like a nobody? What helped you realize you were really a somebody? I’d love to hear your story.
I adore Emily Dickinson’s poems. Who is your favorite poet???